Criminal Justice scholarships can help those majoring in the discipline cover the cost of tuition and other school expenses. As you probably know, the cost of attending college is higher than it has ever been. While all accredited schools offer students the opportunity to apply for Federal financial grants, these grants are not nearly enough to cover all tuition, supply and book costs. Schools may also offer students loan options, but borrowers are charged interest that can pile up over time. The best way for criminal justice students to pay for the cost of earning a criminal justice degree is to receive scholarships. Scholarships are awards that students do not have to repay. Here are some popular scholarship options for students majoring in Criminal Justice:
The Department of Homeland Security Award for Undergrads
The Department of Homeland Security is dedicated to helping students are pursuing a career to help secure the nation. If you are studying criminal justice and have a passion for homeland security, you may want to consider applying to become part of the DHS undergraduate scholarship program. All students enrolled in a 4-year degree program majoring in Criminal Justice at an accredited college or university are eligible to apply. Students who are selected will receive $1000 per month for 9 months and an additional $5000 to be used if the student completes an internship. The scholarship funds help students financially and the internship helps the student gains hands-on experience.
Scholarships Through the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
The ACJS is an international association that fosters scholarly activities in the Criminal Justice field. One of the many things that the ACJS does for students to promote education is offer annual scholarship awards. Students must be majoring in Criminal Justice to qualify. Award amounts and scholarship applications deadlines vary each year, so it is best to check with your Criminal Justice department for frequent updates.
Life Choices Scholarship for Graduate Students
The Life’s Choices Scholarship is specifically designed for graduate students who are studying national security or criminal justice. This award is funded by a donation that was made by the Morris Family Charitable Corporation to help individuals who have or plan on working for the U.S. Government. If you can prove that you are dedicated to your education and that your studies are relevant, you may receive one of the two awards that are granted each year. First, second and third year graduate students are welcome to apply. Winners receive $3500, which will be sent directly to their school.
There are a variety of different types of scholarships that are specifically designed for people majoring in Criminal Justice. If you are wondering where you can locate scholarships available to students in your field, it is best to start with your school. Schools offer awards for Criminal Justice majors and they are much less competitive in nature than national ones. Next, look at the national opportunities that are advertised online for the field of Criminal Justice. Once you have a list of deadlines, start getting your applications together before the due dates so that you get as many criminal justice scholarships as you deserve.