What Publications Should a Criminal Justice Student Subscribe To?

When you are a criminal justice student, it is important to keep up with information on unique cases and recent changes in the law that is published in field publications. In the classroom, you will learn about theories and concepts, but even the most up-to-date academic curriculum will not cover all of the articles and topics that are found in field magazines and legitimate journals.

Professionals who practice law, teach law students, prosecute defendants, or who work in other capacities in the field, show that they are committed to professional development by reading recently published articles. You should do the same when you are studying the criminal justice system so that you can apply what you are learning to what is really going on in the world. If you are not sure where you should subscribe to get the most current information, read on and find out some of the best options.

The Criminal Justice Magazine Published by the American Bar Association

The American Bar Association (ABA) is the largest professional organization for attorneys and other legal professionals. As an organization that is dedicated to improving the legal profession and making it a more diverse field, the ABA offers both practicing lawyers and students who are studying law or criminal justice, practical resources that they can use in school or the legal world. One of the practical resources that is available to members of the ABA is the Criminal Justice Magazine. Luckily, you can sign up for membership as a student associate as long as you are attending an ABA-accredited program.

The Criminal Justice Magazine is free to all members, and when you are a member you are automatically subscribed to receive quarterly newsletters. These will be published in the ABA Criminal Justice Section, and will cover a wide scope of concepts or issues presented in the field. Some of the most recent cover stories include: Controlling Pay Between Witness and JuryFeds Hook Offshore Tax Dodgers, and Arson–Fighting Fire with Science.

Subscriptions with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Another source where you can find manuscripts and discussions or debates on the issues that concern post-secondary education in the field is the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). The ACJS publishes the Journal of Criminal Justice Education and will allow all members of the Academy to subscribe to the journal and have access to all of the content that can be found in this education-oriented journal. What makes this different from the ABA publication is that it is geared towards academic endeavors only and not to the field as a whole. To sign up, you must request membership and pay the membership fee. The journal is just one of the many benefits of being a member of the ACJS.

The criminal justice system is constantly changing as cases are decided or new defenses are posed. If you would like to keep up with the ever-changing world of criminal justice, be sure to read up on decisions, settlements, theories and more. Reading what is published can benefit you and also make you stand out as a student. Reference these publications as a criminal justice student, and ask your professor for other suggestions to expand your knowledge.

Related Resource: Top 5 Books in Criminal Justice